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Me and a few friends are planning on taking a year long camp trip in a few years and I was wondering, what would be the best way to prepare, we plan to most likely go to the gym and get stronger and probably practice camping for shorter amounts of time in the summer. Is there anything else that we should do?
Please don't tell me it's a bad Idea, I have almost everything else completely planned besides the place
You are not asking about camping. You are asking about illegal homelessness, unless you own the land where you are planning to live for a year.
In order to obtain a master's degree, I camped in developed campsites for two summers in a van down by the river. Due to all of my papers and an electric-powered non-stick pan for meals, I was glad to have electricity provided in camp. Fees were cheap, but transportation and loss of time were costs. I also paid for one restaurant meal each day due to time constraints, usually a Chinese lunch for economy and healthy components in the meal. Your willingness to move camp weekly is very responsible and will allow you to leave-no-trace. Therefore, you will not be in conflict with law enforcement as long as you are following the local regulations for dispersed camping. In my circumstances, I was not near any lands where dispersed camping was allowed. I figured that my daily living costs were $20 per day.
Today, I could have adequate battery storage to run a laptop computer between charging at school. I would use propane-butane canisters for cooking now. During my education, internet was not a source of research materials. I slept comfortably in a +15 degree sleeping bag, especially because the van retained some heat. I did shower and shave in the university gym early each morning without ever being challenged. During the past decade I have never applied any of my university education from three degrees, five certifications, and spent two decades being either underemployed or moving every few years for career changes. Of course, I answer questions, write articles and books, but do not recover the costs of outdoor gear or transportation from my work.
I have known a few homeless men. One froze to death in winter on a below-zero night where alcohol was involved. Another beat a fellow homeless man to death at his campsite and is serving a sentence for murder. A woman was killed by her homeless man companion associated with a knife-stabbing during an alcoholic binge in their campsite. Several young men have frozen to death in snowdrifts near me due to being disoriented on their way homes from bars. No one ever had a conflict with a wild animal, except one man stored canned goods in his tent that were eaten by a black bear when he was away from his dispersed camp near town. I attribute that problem as stupidity of the homeless man and proximity to a community that trains bears to eat refuse. I have never had any encounter with a bear in my remote wilderness dispersed camps. Human communities educate bears badly and help create alienated homeless men. Military veterans, alcoholics, and mentally-ill men are typically homeless and estranged from "civilization." Perhaps, you will be able to write a balanced thesis on homelessness in American after you get a taste of it.
You are not asking about camping. You are asking about illegal homelessness, unless you own the land where you are planning to live for a year.
In order to obtain a master's degree, I camped in developed campsites for two summers in a van down by the river. Due to all of my papers and an electric-powered non-stick pan for meals, I was glad to have electricity provided in camp. Fees were cheap, but transportation and loss of time were costs. I also paid for one restaurant meal each day due to time constraints, usually a Chinese lunch for economy and healthy components in the meal. Your willingness to move camp weekly is very responsible and will allow you to leave-no-trace. Therefore, you will not be in conflict with law enforcement as long as you are following the local regulations for dispersed camping. In my circumstances, I was not near any lands where dispersed camping was allowed. I figured that my daily living costs were $20 per day.
Today, I could have adequate battery storage to run a laptop computer between charging at school. I would use propane-butane canisters for cooking now. During my education, internet was not a source of research materials. I slept comfortably in a +15 degree sleeping bag, especially because the van retained some heat. I did shower and shave in the university gym early each morning without ever being challenged. During the past decade I have never applied any of my university education from three degrees, five certifications, and spent two decades being either underemployed or moving every few years for career changes. Of course, I answer questions, write articles and books, but do not recover the costs of outdoor gear or transportation from my work.
I have known a few homeless men. One froze to death in winter on a below-zero night where alcohol was involved. Another beat a fellow homeless man to death at his campsite and is serving a sentence for murder. A woman was killed by her homeless man companion associated with a knife-stabbing during an alcoholic binge in their campsite. Several young men have frozen to death in snowdrifts near me due to being disoriented on their way homes from bars. No one ever had a conflict with a wild animal, except one man stored canned goods in his tent that were eaten by a black bear when he was away from his dispersed camp near town. I attribute that problem as stupidity of the homeless man and proximity to a community that trains bears to eat refuse. I have never had any encounter with a bear in my remote wilderness dispersed camps. Human communities educate bears badly and help create alienated homeless men. Military veterans, alcoholics, and mentally-ill men are typically homeless and estranged from "civilization." Perhaps, you will be able to write a balanced thesis on homelessness in American after you get a taste of it.
What you need you know before going on a cruise?
I'm going on my first cruise this summer to the Bahamas in July. And I just wanted to know first hand tips from experienced cruise travelers.
I have been on about 20 cruises with 4 different cruise lines so I guess I am somewhat experienced ...... here's some things to help understand your cruise.
The price of your cruise includes your cabin, all meals (including breakfast, lunch dinner, snacks and free room service)(you do pay to eat in the specialty restaurants), all shows and entertainment, and free use of all facilities on ship. The things that you will have to pay for are:
GRATUITIES: They will amount to about $10 per person in your cabin per day; about $70 each for a 7 day cruise. When you check in at the pier they will set up an on-board charge account for you to cover any and everything you may buy on ship. They will issue you a "cruise card" which will also serve as your room key and pass to get on and off the ship.
ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND SOFT DRINKS: Coffee, tea, milk, juice, and lemonade and punch will be provided free but you must pay for soft drinks and alcoholic beverages and they will add a 15% gratuity to each drink and soft drink order.
- You can save a couple dollars on drinks if you order them in a plain glass rather than the fancy souvenir ones that add about $2. to the cost of drinks.
PHOTOGRAPHS: Cruise lines will take plenty of photographs of you all over the ship, in the dining room, and as you exit the ship in ports. These will cost a lot, like $15 to $20 for most.
- Instead of buying photos ask other passengers to take photos of you around the ship and at port stops.
TOURS/EXCURSIONS: You are not required to book any tours and can get off and on in the ports as much as you want. But the cruise line will offer a lot of tours and these are expensive.
- When you get to the Bahamas you can many times get tours much cheaper than on ship from tour operators who will be at/on the pier.
Always pack your passport and cruise documents in your carry on bag ONLY. If you plan to get into the pools or hot tub as soon as you get on ship (they will be open), bring those clothes in your carry on bag; you other luggage may not get to your cabin until much later in the afternoon.
The dress on ship is casual all day until 6:00PM, so take:
-swim wear (at least 2),
-shorts, tank tops and "T's"
-beach shoes,
-your snorkel equipment if you have it,
-sun glasses and sun screen,
-a cap or big hat for the sun,
-a book if you are a reader,
-your music player,
-sneakers and clothes to workout in if you like to use the gym,
-good walking shoes,
-your camera, and
-other personal toiletries including tooth paste, mouth wash or lotions.
Your cabin will have towels and soap provided, including pool and beach towels, and a hair dryer. It will also have a generic hair shampoo so you do not need to bring that unless you like a specific brand.
After 6:00 PM they request that you wear "sports or resort casual" attire. That's attire that you would expect a person to wear in a business office, (like a bank employee), shirt with a collar, slacks, skirt, blouse, etc. You can still wear shorts and swim wear in the pools and spas but not in public areas like dining rooms and restaurants, show rooms, bars, casino, etc. Don't over pack , take clothes that you can mix and match tops and bottoms and plan to wear each piece twice. You will likely be in shorts and/or swim wear most of every day so evening clothes don't usually get much wear.
Your cruise will have a formal night or two when you can wear your best stuff and get pictures taken, and maybe meet the shipâs Captain. The formal nights are REQUESTED not required attire. You will not be denied entry to the main dining room if you decide not to dress up, as long as you are at least sports casual. But most people do dress up. A gown or party dress for women and a suit or tux for men. But you can really do whatever you want.
- Its best to pack using soft-sided luggage because with space limited in your cabin it fits under the beds better if its not hard sided luggage.
- Pack using the vacuum clothing bags (about $20 for 3 at Target) so that you can get more in your bag AND so that if the TSA at the airport opens your bag they can see what's inside without rummaging through your things.
-Take a small carry-on bag for the last night of the cruise. On the last evening you will be required to put your luggage outside your cabin by about 2:00 AM so that they can start taking it down to the lower deck for offloading the next morning. So you will need a small bag for your toiletries and your clothes that you sleep in.
- If you are taking your cell phone, MP3 player or other item that needs to be plugged in take an extension cord as the plugs in the cabin are generally not in the best places and there are usually only one or two.
- Take a small bottle of hand sanitizer and/or hand-wipes. There are generally sanitizer dispensers at the entrances of restaurants, the buffets and dining room, but some times the are not there or not working. The sanitizer helps prevent the spread of the Norwalk Virus that sometimes occur on cruise ships.
- Take a can of air freshener for your cabin bathroom. The bathrooms do not have exhaust fans.
- Take a few zip lock bags of various sizes; they always come in handy.
- Take some one and five dollar bills for tipping and also they will come in handy when/if you go to the straw market in the Bahamas.
- Don't eat a big breakfast, or breakfast at all, the morning of your cruise because as soon as you get on ship lunch will be ready and they will be stuffing food in you the whole cruise.
I have been on about 20 cruises with 4 different cruise lines so I guess I am somewhat experienced ...... here's some things to help understand your cruise.
The price of your cruise includes your cabin, all meals (including breakfast, lunch dinner, snacks and free room service)(you do pay to eat in the specialty restaurants), all shows and entertainment, and free use of all facilities on ship. The things that you will have to pay for are:
GRATUITIES: They will amount to about $10 per person in your cabin per day; about $70 each for a 7 day cruise. When you check in at the pier they will set up an on-board charge account for you to cover any and everything you may buy on ship. They will issue you a "cruise card" which will also serve as your room key and pass to get on and off the ship.
ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND SOFT DRINKS: Coffee, tea, milk, juice, and lemonade and punch will be provided free but you must pay for soft drinks and alcoholic beverages and they will add a 15% gratuity to each drink and soft drink order.
- You can save a couple dollars on drinks if you order them in a plain glass rather than the fancy souvenir ones that add about $2. to the cost of drinks.
PHOTOGRAPHS: Cruise lines will take plenty of photographs of you all over the ship, in the dining room, and as you exit the ship in ports. These will cost a lot, like $15 to $20 for most.
- Instead of buying photos ask other passengers to take photos of you around the ship and at port stops.
TOURS/EXCURSIONS: You are not required to book any tours and can get off and on in the ports as much as you want. But the cruise line will offer a lot of tours and these are expensive.
- When you get to the Bahamas you can many times get tours much cheaper than on ship from tour operators who will be at/on the pier.
Always pack your passport and cruise documents in your carry on bag ONLY. If you plan to get into the pools or hot tub as soon as you get on ship (they will be open), bring those clothes in your carry on bag; you other luggage may not get to your cabin until much later in the afternoon.
The dress on ship is casual all day until 6:00PM, so take:
-swim wear (at least 2),
-shorts, tank tops and "T's"
-beach shoes,
-your snorkel equipment if you have it,
-sun glasses and sun screen,
-a cap or big hat for the sun,
-a book if you are a reader,
-your music player,
-sneakers and clothes to workout in if you like to use the gym,
-good walking shoes,
-your camera, and
-other personal toiletries including tooth paste, mouth wash or lotions.
Your cabin will have towels and soap provided, including pool and beach towels, and a hair dryer. It will also have a generic hair shampoo so you do not need to bring that unless you like a specific brand.
After 6:00 PM they request that you wear "sports or resort casual" attire. That's attire that you would expect a person to wear in a business office, (like a bank employee), shirt with a collar, slacks, skirt, blouse, etc. You can still wear shorts and swim wear in the pools and spas but not in public areas like dining rooms and restaurants, show rooms, bars, casino, etc. Don't over pack , take clothes that you can mix and match tops and bottoms and plan to wear each piece twice. You will likely be in shorts and/or swim wear most of every day so evening clothes don't usually get much wear.
Your cruise will have a formal night or two when you can wear your best stuff and get pictures taken, and maybe meet the shipâs Captain. The formal nights are REQUESTED not required attire. You will not be denied entry to the main dining room if you decide not to dress up, as long as you are at least sports casual. But most people do dress up. A gown or party dress for women and a suit or tux for men. But you can really do whatever you want.
- Its best to pack using soft-sided luggage because with space limited in your cabin it fits under the beds better if its not hard sided luggage.
- Pack using the vacuum clothing bags (about $20 for 3 at Target) so that you can get more in your bag AND so that if the TSA at the airport opens your bag they can see what's inside without rummaging through your things.
-Take a small carry-on bag for the last night of the cruise. On the last evening you will be required to put your luggage outside your cabin by about 2:00 AM so that they can start taking it down to the lower deck for offloading the next morning. So you will need a small bag for your toiletries and your clothes that you sleep in.
- If you are taking your cell phone, MP3 player or other item that needs to be plugged in take an extension cord as the plugs in the cabin are generally not in the best places and there are usually only one or two.
- Take a small bottle of hand sanitizer and/or hand-wipes. There are generally sanitizer dispensers at the entrances of restaurants, the buffets and dining room, but some times the are not there or not working. The sanitizer helps prevent the spread of the Norwalk Virus that sometimes occur on cruise ships.
- Take a can of air freshener for your cabin bathroom. The bathrooms do not have exhaust fans.
- Take a few zip lock bags of various sizes; they always come in handy.
- Take some one and five dollar bills for tipping and also they will come in handy when/if you go to the straw market in the Bahamas.
- Don't eat a big breakfast, or breakfast at all, the morning of your cruise because as soon as you get on ship lunch will be ready and they will be stuffing food in you the whole cruise.
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