lunch bag cooler women image
Well I've never really thrown a halloween party before so maybe I should ask. How do you throw a halloween party? It's going to be in the garage by the way a never used garage.
Any help would be great.
Are you going for fun, spooky, or a scary house? For kids or adults?
I would make sure to sweep (if the garage has cement floors) really well, and then decorate with typical things: fake webs, spiders, bats, pumpkins, jack-O-lanterns, ghosts, colored streamers (purple, black, and orange seem to match most themes), etc. You can even do red or black light bulbs to cast an muted, erie glow on the party. Remember to give out small prizes or ribbons if you play games and people win. Costume judging is fun too.
Music is great, you can buy premixed Halloween cd's or make your own. Try classic music, like movie themes (Halloween) or tv show themes (Adam's Family, the Munsters). Songs like Black Magic, Marie Laveau, I've Put a Spell On You, Witchy Woman, Magic, Witch Doctor, They're Coming To Take Me Away, Moster Mash, etc. We always use Casper's ChaCha Slide as a fun, new version of the electric slide at Halloween Party's. It isn't really spooky, but the Casper thing ties in, and most people don't separate it in the middle of the other music. Plus it has a really good beat to it and it can be a great laugh.
You can make realistic ghost decorations by using white trash bags, and balloons. Blow the balloons up to a decent size; use a dark marker (black, blue) to draw various faces on the balloons, with the tied side down; place one balloon inside each trash bag so it fits into one bottom corner snugly (you will have a point above the balloon); tie (with string, twine, or fish line) the trash bag tightly around the balloon, being careful to keep the knot of the balloon below the knot around the trash bag ghost's neck. To hang in trees, from porches, etc., use fish line tied to a paperclip 'pierced' through the point at the top of the ghost's head.
We also do paper bag pumpkins too. These are relatively simple, inexpensive, and a fun craft to get involved in with your kids. They also make great fall decorations that you can use year after year. Youâll Need paper bags, for smaller pumpkins use lunch bags with flat bottoms, for larger pumpkins use grocery bags; green string or yarn; markers, crayons or paints, and newspaper. Stuff the bag 3/4 full with scrunched up newspaper. Gather the top of the bag and tie with string or yarn to form the stem of your pumpkin. Shape the bag to look like a pumpkin, using your hands. Decorate your pumpkin with paints, markers or crayons, as you desire.
I usually do something cool and new each year with the cake too; various things like gravestones, dirt, bubbling cauldrons, etc.
Party games:
PUMPKIN BOWLING: You can purchase a children's plastic bowling set, complete with ball. Then use a plastic, or various fake pumpkin, as the ball instead. Have participants stand a few feet away and throw the pumpkin, just like in real bowling, trying to knock down the pins.
PUMPKIN TOSS: Use a plastic pumpkin, like kids use to collect candy on Halloween, or another Halloween style container with a large top opening. Have participants stand a few feet away and toss various items into the pumpkin. We started with pumpkin beanbags, but when we lost or ruined those we moved on to plastic spiders, small plastic pumpkins, even pennies work in a pinch.
HALLOWEEN CONCENTRATION/MEMORY: Prepare 12 post-it notes or 3 x 5 index cards, etc., using a crayon or marker. Number each post-it note from one to twelve on the front, non-sticky side. On the other side, on two cards for each, put the words or pictures: Ghost, Pumpkin, Witches, Goblins, Treats and Scarecrows. Or whatever you decide to use. Make sure each pair is not in numerical order and then place the post-it notes on a wall in two or three rows in numerical order. Each player takes a turn asking for two numbers to be turned over. Game play goes on to the next player whether or not a match is made.
WAVY WANDS (kids parties): You'll need music that you can pause
Are you going for fun, spooky, or a scary house? For kids or adults?
I would make sure to sweep (if the garage has cement floors) really well, and then decorate with typical things: fake webs, spiders, bats, pumpkins, jack-O-lanterns, ghosts, colored streamers (purple, black, and orange seem to match most themes), etc. You can even do red or black light bulbs to cast an muted, erie glow on the party. Remember to give out small prizes or ribbons if you play games and people win. Costume judging is fun too.
Music is great, you can buy premixed Halloween cd's or make your own. Try classic music, like movie themes (Halloween) or tv show themes (Adam's Family, the Munsters). Songs like Black Magic, Marie Laveau, I've Put a Spell On You, Witchy Woman, Magic, Witch Doctor, They're Coming To Take Me Away, Moster Mash, etc. We always use Casper's ChaCha Slide as a fun, new version of the electric slide at Halloween Party's. It isn't really spooky, but the Casper thing ties in, and most people don't separate it in the middle of the other music. Plus it has a really good beat to it and it can be a great laugh.
You can make realistic ghost decorations by using white trash bags, and balloons. Blow the balloons up to a decent size; use a dark marker (black, blue) to draw various faces on the balloons, with the tied side down; place one balloon inside each trash bag so it fits into one bottom corner snugly (you will have a point above the balloon); tie (with string, twine, or fish line) the trash bag tightly around the balloon, being careful to keep the knot of the balloon below the knot around the trash bag ghost's neck. To hang in trees, from porches, etc., use fish line tied to a paperclip 'pierced' through the point at the top of the ghost's head.
We also do paper bag pumpkins too. These are relatively simple, inexpensive, and a fun craft to get involved in with your kids. They also make great fall decorations that you can use year after year. Youâll Need paper bags, for smaller pumpkins use lunch bags with flat bottoms, for larger pumpkins use grocery bags; green string or yarn; markers, crayons or paints, and newspaper. Stuff the bag 3/4 full with scrunched up newspaper. Gather the top of the bag and tie with string or yarn to form the stem of your pumpkin. Shape the bag to look like a pumpkin, using your hands. Decorate your pumpkin with paints, markers or crayons, as you desire.
I usually do something cool and new each year with the cake too; various things like gravestones, dirt, bubbling cauldrons, etc.
Party games:
PUMPKIN BOWLING: You can purchase a children's plastic bowling set, complete with ball. Then use a plastic, or various fake pumpkin, as the ball instead. Have participants stand a few feet away and throw the pumpkin, just like in real bowling, trying to knock down the pins.
PUMPKIN TOSS: Use a plastic pumpkin, like kids use to collect candy on Halloween, or another Halloween style container with a large top opening. Have participants stand a few feet away and toss various items into the pumpkin. We started with pumpkin beanbags, but when we lost or ruined those we moved on to plastic spiders, small plastic pumpkins, even pennies work in a pinch.
HALLOWEEN CONCENTRATION/MEMORY: Prepare 12 post-it notes or 3 x 5 index cards, etc., using a crayon or marker. Number each post-it note from one to twelve on the front, non-sticky side. On the other side, on two cards for each, put the words or pictures: Ghost, Pumpkin, Witches, Goblins, Treats and Scarecrows. Or whatever you decide to use. Make sure each pair is not in numerical order and then place the post-it notes on a wall in two or three rows in numerical order. Each player takes a turn asking for two numbers to be turned over. Game play goes on to the next player whether or not a match is made.
WAVY WANDS (kids parties): You'll need music that you can pause
How do I know if she likes me?
She jokes around, and she sometimes touches my arm and says she can feel my freckles? And she is always joking around like she is stalking me, but we would always joke afterwards, because she would say something very creepy and crack out laughing, Just so you know, i do not like this girl, but i dont if she likes me, but i do know a guy who does, and he put a love letter in her locker, but, sorry im getting sidetracked, does that mean she likes me, or can i just laugh with her as a friend without being suspicious?
She's Always Wearing a Dumb Grin
Regardless of where in the world you go, there is nothing more universal than the sheepish smile of a person who is smitten. As the two of you spend time around each other â at the water cooler, after a class, etc. â she won't be able to hide her pleasure at stealing a few minutes with you. That ridiculous grin will be your first hint at the larger possibilities taking root in her heart.
Instead of Talking, She Listens a Lot
There can be little doubt that women have the gift of gab. Watch her spew out thousands of words per minute with one of her girlfriends. Does she do the same thing when you are paired up? Is she more likely to ask you a question and hang on every word? Both are good signs (the first entails she wants to include you in her life) but the latter is big hint she has more in mind than just letting you talk about what's going on every day â she wants to be a part of it.
She Laughs at All Your Jokes
Even the most successful comedians tell jokes that bomb from time to time â no one is perfect when it comes to being funny. If she's making you feel like you are, chances are it's because she likes you. For guys, the impression you have a great sense of humor is a big confidence boost. She knows that and, by finding you âhilariousâ more often than she should, she is indicating her desire to connect with you in any way possible.
You Find Her Beside You Frequently
In real estate, conventional wisdom states the three most important things are âLocation, location and location.â It's no different when it comes to people who like each other. In a crowd, the pair with a mutual attraction are more likely to be jockeying to get close. Any opportunity to get next to you is like gold for her, so she will attempt to sit in the nearest desk or visit your cubicle often.
She Makes Constant Eye Contact
You know the feeling of someone looking at you from across a room? If she likes you, it's fairly likely you will end up with that feeling pretty regularly. You might not like being compared to an object, but humans naturally look on the things they desire with regularity. It doesn't matter if it's a new pair of shoes, a dress in her favorite color or just the guy she hopes will ask her out, she is going to keep looking until she gets what she is wishing for.
Her Hands Are All Over You
Let's clear something up before we go too much further: she will not be touching you like that. What she will do, however, is find subtle ways to break into your personal bubble and steal some physical contact. She might, say, throw an arm around your shoulder to congratulate you on completing a project or rest her hand on your shoulder while taking your lunch order. She absolutely can't resist the temptation to do so, even if it seems pretty low-level to you.
She Brags About Her Abilities
Men and women both like to puff themselves up, especially on job interviews or when attempting to catch someone's eye. When she talks about how great she is in the kitchen, it's because she wants to cook for you. Has she been telling you all the details of her latest speedy run? She's hoping you'll get out on the trail with her. It's another way for her to demonstrate her qualities as a potential mate, a sure sign she's after your heart.
You Get a Present or Two Regularly
Speaking of her baking skills, have you received a pan of brownies or bag of cookies? Something else? Though you might be thinking she'll bring you a new book or a video game you're craving, the little heartfelt gestures are the first steps to the big-ticket items. She might drop off a fresh pack of pens if she hears you complaining about losing yours again, too, as a way to demonstrate how much she cares about your needs.
She Dresses to Impress
For guys, this often means they put on nicer shirts (and sometimes neckties) to show girls how sharp they can look. In the case of a girl that likes you, it's almost always that and the exact opposite. She might show up to watch the game with you in a T-shirt sporting your team's favorite logo or put on a sweatshirt and jeans to come closer to your personal style. It's her subconscious way of saying, âLook at how much alike we are!â in order to get you to ask her out.
Her Schedule Increasingly Matches Yours
Ever noticed how, when you can't stop thinking about someone, they always seem to appear? Is it just that you are lucky or because you are looking for them without knowing it? When you notice her showing up in the spots you love to hang out, it is probably because she's subconsciously looking to spend time with you in any way possible. Even waving at you from the other side of the library is a thrill for her, she likes you so much
She's Always Wearing a Dumb Grin
Regardless of where in the world you go, there is nothing more universal than the sheepish smile of a person who is smitten. As the two of you spend time around each other â at the water cooler, after a class, etc. â she won't be able to hide her pleasure at stealing a few minutes with you. That ridiculous grin will be your first hint at the larger possibilities taking root in her heart.
Instead of Talking, She Listens a Lot
There can be little doubt that women have the gift of gab. Watch her spew out thousands of words per minute with one of her girlfriends. Does she do the same thing when you are paired up? Is she more likely to ask you a question and hang on every word? Both are good signs (the first entails she wants to include you in her life) but the latter is big hint she has more in mind than just letting you talk about what's going on every day â she wants to be a part of it.
She Laughs at All Your Jokes
Even the most successful comedians tell jokes that bomb from time to time â no one is perfect when it comes to being funny. If she's making you feel like you are, chances are it's because she likes you. For guys, the impression you have a great sense of humor is a big confidence boost. She knows that and, by finding you âhilariousâ more often than she should, she is indicating her desire to connect with you in any way possible.
You Find Her Beside You Frequently
In real estate, conventional wisdom states the three most important things are âLocation, location and location.â It's no different when it comes to people who like each other. In a crowd, the pair with a mutual attraction are more likely to be jockeying to get close. Any opportunity to get next to you is like gold for her, so she will attempt to sit in the nearest desk or visit your cubicle often.
She Makes Constant Eye Contact
You know the feeling of someone looking at you from across a room? If she likes you, it's fairly likely you will end up with that feeling pretty regularly. You might not like being compared to an object, but humans naturally look on the things they desire with regularity. It doesn't matter if it's a new pair of shoes, a dress in her favorite color or just the guy she hopes will ask her out, she is going to keep looking until she gets what she is wishing for.
Her Hands Are All Over You
Let's clear something up before we go too much further: she will not be touching you like that. What she will do, however, is find subtle ways to break into your personal bubble and steal some physical contact. She might, say, throw an arm around your shoulder to congratulate you on completing a project or rest her hand on your shoulder while taking your lunch order. She absolutely can't resist the temptation to do so, even if it seems pretty low-level to you.
She Brags About Her Abilities
Men and women both like to puff themselves up, especially on job interviews or when attempting to catch someone's eye. When she talks about how great she is in the kitchen, it's because she wants to cook for you. Has she been telling you all the details of her latest speedy run? She's hoping you'll get out on the trail with her. It's another way for her to demonstrate her qualities as a potential mate, a sure sign she's after your heart.
You Get a Present or Two Regularly
Speaking of her baking skills, have you received a pan of brownies or bag of cookies? Something else? Though you might be thinking she'll bring you a new book or a video game you're craving, the little heartfelt gestures are the first steps to the big-ticket items. She might drop off a fresh pack of pens if she hears you complaining about losing yours again, too, as a way to demonstrate how much she cares about your needs.
She Dresses to Impress
For guys, this often means they put on nicer shirts (and sometimes neckties) to show girls how sharp they can look. In the case of a girl that likes you, it's almost always that and the exact opposite. She might show up to watch the game with you in a T-shirt sporting your team's favorite logo or put on a sweatshirt and jeans to come closer to your personal style. It's her subconscious way of saying, âLook at how much alike we are!â in order to get you to ask her out.
Her Schedule Increasingly Matches Yours
Ever noticed how, when you can't stop thinking about someone, they always seem to appear? Is it just that you are lucky or because you are looking for them without knowing it? When you notice her showing up in the spots you love to hang out, it is probably because she's subconsciously looking to spend time with you in any way possible. Even waving at you from the other side of the library is a thrill for her, she likes you so much
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Title Post: Okay I know I asked two question's already, but I have another question about throwing a halloween party?
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