children's place lunch bags image
My sister and i have a HUGE problem. In the middle of the night almost every night or during nap time her children ages 2 & 5 will to the strangest most unheard of thing. The go out of their bedroom and into the living room pull the chairs from the dining room table to the kitchen and stand on them to get the snacks out the cabinet and pantry and if there are no snacks then they will get things out the fridge. At first it was just the snacks and they would only take a little but now it has escalated to anything they can get their hands on like the mayonnaise bread pepper peanut butter and they will either eat it all or make a huge mess with it all over the floor. They once poured an entire box of cereal on the floor then poured syrup on top of it and ate it.
This has been going on for about a year and a half now and we have tried EVERYTHING! We have tried putting the plastic child lock things on their doorknob but the oldest learned how to break them off the knobs and hide them, we tried punishing them by making the stand in the corner or even spanking but that has failed, we tried putting the food up higher but they started using chairs standing on each other backs and scaling the counters and pantry shelves, we recently even tried giving them their on cabinet so that they will stay out of the others but they would eat all there snacks at once then when they were all gone they started to get into the other cabinets again.
We are seriously at a loss about what to do! This is not only dangerous for them but it is really hurting us financially. We are too single females with 2 young children living in a two bedroom apartment on a fixed income and they eat over half of all the food we buy at the beginning of the month bye the end of the week! We once left the groceries on the floor since we were so tired from shopping and the kids went to take a nap we fell asleep and woke up and they had eaten ALL of their valentines candy, 2 big bags of chips for their lunch, and opened 7 bottles of water and 6 packs of hot coco mix trying to make hot chocolate! Its not like we starve them since they eat like grown men so what are we to do. Since we are at the end of our ropes with this i thought of the idea of switching their bedroom doorknob around so that it locks from the outside so that during nap time and bed time they can't get out. Inside there room they have a bathroom so they are both potty trained and can use it when they need it so i didn't think it would be a bad idea. If you know the answer to my question or have any suggestions about what we can do about our problem please let me know! Answers and suggestions are greatly appreciated. BTW we live in the state of florida city or Tallahassee.
We are not beating the kids we are spanking them which is perfectly legal and i'm a psychology student and here to tell you that a good spanking never did anything to damage a child's mental state as long as they were being terrible and deserved it. I would like to meet the child that wasn't ever hit and grew up without being a spoiled, rude, selfish, and disrespectful brat. Of course if the child is a goodie two shoes then they wouldn't have been hit. So please no comments on how spanking is wrong and all that other junk because if you seriously believe that then your children are either angels are hell spawns.
Believe me hitting them hard or enough is not the problem we give them spanking around the clock at least 4 a day if not more for all the crazy stuff they do. And when i say stand in the corner i mean they stand in the corner for hours holding huge books and balancing on 1 foot. Punishment is not the issue. Also as i said before them being full is not the issue the eat more than enough all day at daycare and at home.
@ first comment. Those suggestions would be fine if they had anything in this world the cared enough to lose if we take away every toy and outside activity they will just play with a piece of paper they found on the floor or a pencil or even sometimes batteries whatever they can get their hands on even if it means taking off their clothes and making a fort with them. Her kids have a amazing imagination and can entertain themselves with anything. Also about the no Junk food thing the kids have passed that level and have now moved on to whatever food they can find like just this passed night when i went to bed after asking for help i woke up to find the kids in the kitchen drinking the syrup out the bottle and eating the cheese out of the box mac n cheese. They know what they are doing is wrong because when they get caught they cry or try to hide what they did. And they are wide awake i assure you. We did progress to more serious punishments because we thought they would help but alas th
@ first comment. Those suggestions would be fine if they had anything in this world the cared enough to lose if we take away every toy and outside activity they will just play with a piece of paper they found on the floor or a pencil or even sometimes batteries whatever they can get their hands on even if it means taking off their clothes and making a fort with them. Her kids have a amazing imagination and can entertain themselves with anything. Also about the no Junk food thing the kids have passed that level and have now moved on to whatever food they can find like just this passed night when i went to bed after asking for help i woke up to find the kids in the kitchen drinking the syrup out the bottle and eating the cheese out of the box mac n cheese. They know what they are doing is wrong because when they get caught they cry or try to hide what they did. And they are wide awake i assure you. We did progress to more serious punishments because we thought they would help but it didn
I have seen a child do this before. She was the child of a woman I use to be friends with. If I was ever at her house for the night, my child would get up with her child and do the same thing.
One, or both, of these children have issues with food, this could be because of a medical reason. Are either of these children on medication? There are some medications from what I understand that can actually cause a child to be very hungry and they will do this type of thing. This could also be a mental health thing. The child I knew had been taking medication and was very thirsty and hungry from it and this was a type of side effect.
The first thing I would do is get locks for all the cabinets, and for the refrigerator. These things work sometimes, and sometimes they do not. If you have tried things like this in the past and they did not work then get an alarm. They sell these most places. Instead of locking their door...which is not a good idea and you could actually get into serious trouble for doing...get an alarm to put on the outside of their door. Shut their door at night and set the alarm. When they wake up in the night and open their door, it will go off. It will wake you up and will scare the crap out of them. You guys get up and tell them they are to go back to bed and they are not to mess with the food. Reset the alarm and then wait. They will most likely try again. Repeat the steps until they know that once that alarm goes off you are going to wake up and stop them, eventually they will stop. This is the only thing that worked for the child I know that did this. That, and switching medications.
I have seen a child do this before. She was the child of a woman I use to be friends with. If I was ever at her house for the night, my child would get up with her child and do the same thing.
One, or both, of these children have issues with food, this could be because of a medical reason. Are either of these children on medication? There are some medications from what I understand that can actually cause a child to be very hungry and they will do this type of thing. This could also be a mental health thing. The child I knew had been taking medication and was very thirsty and hungry from it and this was a type of side effect.
The first thing I would do is get locks for all the cabinets, and for the refrigerator. These things work sometimes, and sometimes they do not. If you have tried things like this in the past and they did not work then get an alarm. They sell these most places. Instead of locking their door...which is not a good idea and you could actually get into serious trouble for doing...get an alarm to put on the outside of their door. Shut their door at night and set the alarm. When they wake up in the night and open their door, it will go off. It will wake you up and will scare the crap out of them. You guys get up and tell them they are to go back to bed and they are not to mess with the food. Reset the alarm and then wait. They will most likely try again. Repeat the steps until they know that once that alarm goes off you are going to wake up and stop them, eventually they will stop. This is the only thing that worked for the child I know that did this. That, and switching medications.
What should I do for a Birthday Party?
Q. My son Leon is about to have his 1 year old Birthday Party on July 14. Any ideas? Only 18 people are coming.
Well it depends on how much money your willing to spend, and also 1 year old birthday parties are hard, they can't do many games or crafts. Babies love animals, so how about this:
Animal party:
- Create a jungle, using green streamers hung from the ceiling and draped
from the furniture.
-Place stuffed animals where they can be seen and played with by the young party guests.
-When entertaining little ones, be alert to choking hazards.
-Balloons should be placed out of reach.
Cover your table and set with Animal Jungle plates, napkins and cups.
- Use a stuffed monkey, elephant or giraffe for a centerpiece and attach a bouquet of balloons to the stuffed animal
- Pin the tail on the lion: Play this game just as you would "Pin The Tail on the Donkey". Make a simple lion and tails from poster board. Right before the party add double stick tape and the children's names to the tails. Of course their parents would help them out.
- Safari: Hide stuffed animals around the party area. Then have all the babies look for them. Of course they get to keep the ones they find. Parents would probably also help with this.
- Feed the monkey (bean bag toss): Paint a monkey face on a box using one large brown circle for the head and two smaller circles for the ears. Use a utility knife (ADULTS ONLY), to cut a large opening where the mouth would be and add the eyes and nose with black paint. Now make or purchase 3-4 yellow beanbags (bananas). Socks filled with dried beans and secured with rubber bands will work well. To play, mark an "X" the floor where the player will stand. Place the "monkey box" a reasonable distance form the "X" and the children will take turns feeding the hungry monkey his bananas!
- Since these are VERY little kids you are working with it is better to have this game like this: already have puppets made, and just have a puppet show theater for the babies to play with the puppets.
- PARTY FAVOR!: From oriental trading company, you can order all kinds of animal party favors.
- Cake!: All superstores such as Publix can make you cakes. Get a cake with lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Any animals would work.
- If you want to serve lunch, make pb&j sandwiches and cut them into animal shapes using cookie cutters.
- Snack: Jello cut into animal shapes using the cookie cutters and animal crackers.
- Drinks: Some kind of green punch.
Cars and trucks:
- Decorations: Hang plenty of primary colored balloons and streamers around the room. Cut large cars, police cars and trucks from poster board. Mount them on the wall and hang them from the ceiling. Your local teacher supply store will have posters and cut outs at a reasonable price. Stuff clean tires with pillows for chairs. Cover a table with white butcher paper. Make a road down the center of the table with black construction paper and yellow lines with paint or paper. Add a few toy vehicles on the road.
- Stations: #1- Set out a road mat and trucks and cars for the babies to play with. #2- Set out a sandbox and some trucks for them to play with. #3- Have wind-up cars set up for them to race them (adult help).
- Cake!: Make your cake into a road and have cars on the 'road'.
- PARTY FAVORS!: Again oriental trading company has lots of cute party favors.
- Drinks: Fruit punch
- Snacks: crackers and cheese.
Sounds like a fun party to me! (if I find anymore themes you could do I can edit this)
Hope this helps(:
Well it depends on how much money your willing to spend, and also 1 year old birthday parties are hard, they can't do many games or crafts. Babies love animals, so how about this:
Animal party:
- Create a jungle, using green streamers hung from the ceiling and draped
from the furniture.
-Place stuffed animals where they can be seen and played with by the young party guests.
-When entertaining little ones, be alert to choking hazards.
-Balloons should be placed out of reach.
Cover your table and set with Animal Jungle plates, napkins and cups.
- Use a stuffed monkey, elephant or giraffe for a centerpiece and attach a bouquet of balloons to the stuffed animal
- Pin the tail on the lion: Play this game just as you would "Pin The Tail on the Donkey". Make a simple lion and tails from poster board. Right before the party add double stick tape and the children's names to the tails. Of course their parents would help them out.
- Safari: Hide stuffed animals around the party area. Then have all the babies look for them. Of course they get to keep the ones they find. Parents would probably also help with this.
- Feed the monkey (bean bag toss): Paint a monkey face on a box using one large brown circle for the head and two smaller circles for the ears. Use a utility knife (ADULTS ONLY), to cut a large opening where the mouth would be and add the eyes and nose with black paint. Now make or purchase 3-4 yellow beanbags (bananas). Socks filled with dried beans and secured with rubber bands will work well. To play, mark an "X" the floor where the player will stand. Place the "monkey box" a reasonable distance form the "X" and the children will take turns feeding the hungry monkey his bananas!
- Since these are VERY little kids you are working with it is better to have this game like this: already have puppets made, and just have a puppet show theater for the babies to play with the puppets.
- PARTY FAVOR!: From oriental trading company, you can order all kinds of animal party favors.
- Cake!: All superstores such as Publix can make you cakes. Get a cake with lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Any animals would work.
- If you want to serve lunch, make pb&j sandwiches and cut them into animal shapes using cookie cutters.
- Snack: Jello cut into animal shapes using the cookie cutters and animal crackers.
- Drinks: Some kind of green punch.
Cars and trucks:
- Decorations: Hang plenty of primary colored balloons and streamers around the room. Cut large cars, police cars and trucks from poster board. Mount them on the wall and hang them from the ceiling. Your local teacher supply store will have posters and cut outs at a reasonable price. Stuff clean tires with pillows for chairs. Cover a table with white butcher paper. Make a road down the center of the table with black construction paper and yellow lines with paint or paper. Add a few toy vehicles on the road.
- Stations: #1- Set out a road mat and trucks and cars for the babies to play with. #2- Set out a sandbox and some trucks for them to play with. #3- Have wind-up cars set up for them to race them (adult help).
- Cake!: Make your cake into a road and have cars on the 'road'.
- PARTY FAVORS!: Again oriental trading company has lots of cute party favors.
- Drinks: Fruit punch
- Snacks: crackers and cheese.
Sounds like a fun party to me! (if I find anymore themes you could do I can edit this)
Hope this helps(:
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