Hey guys. I will be going with my fiances family to Florida for ten days in December. We live in Wisconsin. I've never really traveled before, and I have never been away from home for more that 4 days. It's a 22 hour forty minute drive,so obviously we are stopping halfway to stay at a hotel. Anyway, we are staying in a waterfront beach condo and will be touring the Kennedy Space Center,the Everglades,Bush Gardens and Sea World. Now for my questions:
1. What do I need to take? I'm not sure what's usually included in a condo amenity wise
2. I'm used to 20 degree weather in Wisconsin,so how warm is it in FL and what clothes do I need?
3.What are some things to do on the drive there because we are figuring 14 hours one day and approx. 8 the next and my fiances dad does not make stops...
4. What are some necessities that I should pack?
Sorry about all the questions,but I really don't want to forget anything for this trip because it's not like I can hop in the car and run home for what I need like when I go camping lol Your answers are much appreciated! Thanks! :)
when I say he makes no stops I mean on a 13 hour drive he stopped one time for gas and made everyone suffer because he didn't wanna have to stop to pee or
most condos have bout everything u would need,except of course like toothpaste,hairspray an any personal items such as that,if u prefer a specific toilet paper or kleenex id bring ur own,they have a iron,pots n pans,silverware etc,florida is very humid which makes it feel warmer then the tempatures may reflect if u get the forecast from ur home,so bring some light clothing,but also some pants an clothing to go to a nice restuarant,it also rains quite supriseingly often for short an long periods of time,so a change of clothes mite be in order if u get wet,same as shoes,also perspiring can be a problem too,i like to have alot of clothes for whatever occasion so that i dont have do laundry,who want spend time doing that!for the drive books an portable dvd players keep you or kids occupied,music cd's,extra phone n car chargers,acouple good maps,get local maps at ur destination,sunglasses for sun for both driving an outside,radardetector,pillows or blankets for sleeping an being comfortable in car,of course lots of snacks an drinks,bring sandwhiches or sumin to eat for the ride if your not wantin to stop,but take advantage of all gas stops to get what you need an use restroom.always gonna be someone who unexpectedly needs to go ,that forces a stop,if you decide to eat a restuarant get sumin simple an easy,drivethrough is best,close to highway,we stoped a sit down restuarant,we was there over a hour,it jus adds unwanted time an expense,sum nessitys are sunscreens an sunburn lotions,type homemade mixtures for jellyfish attacks,they can be frequent i came to find out,check internet.any type of medicines from antacids from constant eating out of various kinds food,shampoo,deordant.any personal items u think thers a chance of needing,tourist towns everything is marked up!do some of your shopping there at large chain stores there less expensive,you will have to do shopping for food there for the condo an plan prepare sum breakfast, dinners an lunches,its alot cheaper then eating out an more cozy to enjoy your company,maybe bring sum condiments an seasonings so u dont have to add to your shopping list, any thing watersport related buy at home,you'll find them expensive,some items like a cheap scuba mask we bought an then returned before we left,but i didnt like to have to buy a nerf football for playing on beach!if you plan on spending alot time on beach you can find yourself bored quick,we brought chairs,beach umbrella etc,makes more comfortable,have a duffle bag or sumin for visits to beach or amusement park,a personal insulated cup to refill,a flashlight incase car breaks down,an for beach at nite etc,if your not renting a car make sure you have the car looked at by a mechanic first,have insurance info,watch for highway patrol phone numbers on signs state by state,extra money for expense that occur with the car such as a tire,but make sure you have a back up plan if the transmission goes out etc etc,you dont want to be stuck in the middle of say kentucky for however long!plan on when your goin to stop an stay at what hotel an check for availability,we was late geting into florida,got to our destination at 3am,had to stay unexpectedly at a motelan a higher priced one for jus 6 hours because our condo wasnt ready in middle of nite of course,ive covered quite abit but im sure i missed a few things like i always do on a trip,please contact me if you have any questions,enjoy!
most condos have bout everything u would need,except of course like toothpaste,hairspray an any personal items such as that,if u prefer a specific toilet paper or kleenex id bring ur own,they have a iron,pots n pans,silverware etc,florida is very humid which makes it feel warmer then the tempatures may reflect if u get the forecast from ur home,so bring some light clothing,but also some pants an clothing to go to a nice restuarant,it also rains quite supriseingly often for short an long periods of time,so a change of clothes mite be in order if u get wet,same as shoes,also perspiring can be a problem too,i like to have alot of clothes for whatever occasion so that i dont have do laundry,who want spend time doing that!for the drive books an portable dvd players keep you or kids occupied,music cd's,extra phone n car chargers,acouple good maps,get local maps at ur destination,sunglasses for sun for both driving an outside,radardetector,pillows or blankets for sleeping an being comfortable in car,of course lots of snacks an drinks,bring sandwhiches or sumin to eat for the ride if your not wantin to stop,but take advantage of all gas stops to get what you need an use restroom.always gonna be someone who unexpectedly needs to go ,that forces a stop,if you decide to eat a restuarant get sumin simple an easy,drivethrough is best,close to highway,we stoped a sit down restuarant,we was there over a hour,it jus adds unwanted time an expense,sum nessitys are sunscreens an sunburn lotions,type homemade mixtures for jellyfish attacks,they can be frequent i came to find out,check internet.any type of medicines from antacids from constant eating out of various kinds food,shampoo,deordant.any personal items u think thers a chance of needing,tourist towns everything is marked up!do some of your shopping there at large chain stores there less expensive,you will have to do shopping for food there for the condo an plan prepare sum breakfast, dinners an lunches,its alot cheaper then eating out an more cozy to enjoy your company,maybe bring sum condiments an seasonings so u dont have to add to your shopping list, any thing watersport related buy at home,you'll find them expensive,some items like a cheap scuba mask we bought an then returned before we left,but i didnt like to have to buy a nerf football for playing on beach!if you plan on spending alot time on beach you can find yourself bored quick,we brought chairs,beach umbrella etc,makes more comfortable,have a duffle bag or sumin for visits to beach or amusement park,a personal insulated cup to refill,a flashlight incase car breaks down,an for beach at nite etc,if your not renting a car make sure you have the car looked at by a mechanic first,have insurance info,watch for highway patrol phone numbers on signs state by state,extra money for expense that occur with the car such as a tire,but make sure you have a back up plan if the transmission goes out etc etc,you dont want to be stuck in the middle of say kentucky for however long!plan on when your goin to stop an stay at what hotel an check for availability,we was late geting into florida,got to our destination at 3am,had to stay unexpectedly at a motelan a higher priced one for jus 6 hours because our condo wasnt ready in middle of nite of course,ive covered quite abit but im sure i missed a few things like i always do on a trip,please contact me if you have any questions,enjoy!
I'm going to Puerto Rico in July what are good family activities to do while down there?
Toni L
I am going to Puerto Rico in July for 2 weeks with my Dad (who's 53) and my twin girls (who are 3) for vacation. This is our first vacation that we have ever taken together. We are renting a car and staying in a hotel in San Juan. He has already made all the reservations and paid for the hotel and the plane ect; however, he has given me the task of figuring out family friendly activities to do while we are down there. All I can think of is, well...the beach! and El Morro. Any other suggestions!??! I do have umbrella strollers! And I'm not afraid to walk! This is my first vacation since I've had the girls and is way over due! (last one was in 2006). I don't mind going out of San Juan either. Before I had the kids I USED to be a bit of a traveler and go to places like Germany, Japan and South Korea just to name a few places. So I'm game for anything; however, with my dad being in his 50's and the girls being 3, I don't know how well they would fair. So any suggestions that would be insightful would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)
SInce you guys are renting a car it gives you the advantage of seeing the best of what PR has to offer outside San Juan. The first place I recommend for you to go is down south near a small town called Guanica. There is a small mangrove cay with crystal clear calm waters that are perfect for little ones to play. Buy a set of inexpensive snorkeling equipment and bring it with you, the snorkeling is great around the island. You take a ferry here and need to bring what you need with you. I suggest to get a small disposable cooler, or just bring one of those insulated carry along bags so you and your girls have plenty to drink while there. Also you should do this on a Wednesday, stay away on the weekend, I've given you fair warning!
Also on the south side, off the town of Ponce, is a great day trip to Caja de Muerto. My family and I went there this past summer and we saw dolphins! It's a pristine island with those dream like Caribbean waters, calm, clear and blue green. This is a weekend trip and you MUST make reservations in advance. It's worth it. The drive to Ponce is only an hour and a half by the expressway, and the docks are easy to find. You would need to leave San Juan early to make sure to make it on time. On the docks at La Guancha (the port in Ponce) you can feed pelicans, and watch huge fish swim around. Vender's sell little bags of food for them and the kids LOVE to feed them. There are also shops and restaurants to explore, it's really nice.
Another suggestion is to take a day trip sail out of Fajardo to Culebra with East Island Excursions. Culebra is a real gem. It has the Caribbeans #2 best beach, according to discovery chanel, called Flamenco Beach. The trip includes lunch, and snorkeling.
IF you want to get away from the beach PR has the most beautiful mountains, with waterfalls, rivers and lakes. On a Saturday or Sunday take a boat ride on a lake in Utuado to local restaurants right in the middle of the lake. It's called Dos Bocas, and it's a lovely setting with cool mountain air and great local food.
One of PR's most known and amazing sites is the Camuy Caverns, it's just west of Arecibo and is one of the worlds largest underground cave systems. You can take a guided tour, with a tram, and I think the kids and adults will be amazed.
Just south of San Juan is the town of Guavate, near Cayey. Here is where the Puerto Rican specialty Lechon (roasted pig) is made. And on the weekend there are local arts and crafts being sold. When you make the turnoff from the highway don't be fooled by the few easy to get to Lechoneras right by the road. Just keep going and you will find the real Guavate, it's great not just for the food but for the many stalls of homemade goods for sell, this is where you should get your souvenirs. Just a little further down the road is a great mountain pool with a waterfall. It's an easy hike on a well maintained trail and the water is bright blue and makes for great swimming.
The site i've given you most of the links to is great, I live here and I use it all the time! They give fantastic detail and their directions are spot on. Puerto Rico Day trips has lots more suggestions you should look at them all to find the perfect things you guys love to do. Don't forget to bring and use lots of sun block, and reaply often!! And if you ever need suggestions, directions or advice feel free to ask!
SInce you guys are renting a car it gives you the advantage of seeing the best of what PR has to offer outside San Juan. The first place I recommend for you to go is down south near a small town called Guanica. There is a small mangrove cay with crystal clear calm waters that are perfect for little ones to play. Buy a set of inexpensive snorkeling equipment and bring it with you, the snorkeling is great around the island. You take a ferry here and need to bring what you need with you. I suggest to get a small disposable cooler, or just bring one of those insulated carry along bags so you and your girls have plenty to drink while there. Also you should do this on a Wednesday, stay away on the weekend, I've given you fair warning!
Also on the south side, off the town of Ponce, is a great day trip to Caja de Muerto. My family and I went there this past summer and we saw dolphins! It's a pristine island with those dream like Caribbean waters, calm, clear and blue green. This is a weekend trip and you MUST make reservations in advance. It's worth it. The drive to Ponce is only an hour and a half by the expressway, and the docks are easy to find. You would need to leave San Juan early to make sure to make it on time. On the docks at La Guancha (the port in Ponce) you can feed pelicans, and watch huge fish swim around. Vender's sell little bags of food for them and the kids LOVE to feed them. There are also shops and restaurants to explore, it's really nice.
Another suggestion is to take a day trip sail out of Fajardo to Culebra with East Island Excursions. Culebra is a real gem. It has the Caribbeans #2 best beach, according to discovery chanel, called Flamenco Beach. The trip includes lunch, and snorkeling.
IF you want to get away from the beach PR has the most beautiful mountains, with waterfalls, rivers and lakes. On a Saturday or Sunday take a boat ride on a lake in Utuado to local restaurants right in the middle of the lake. It's called Dos Bocas, and it's a lovely setting with cool mountain air and great local food.
One of PR's most known and amazing sites is the Camuy Caverns, it's just west of Arecibo and is one of the worlds largest underground cave systems. You can take a guided tour, with a tram, and I think the kids and adults will be amazed.
Just south of San Juan is the town of Guavate, near Cayey. Here is where the Puerto Rican specialty Lechon (roasted pig) is made. And on the weekend there are local arts and crafts being sold. When you make the turnoff from the highway don't be fooled by the few easy to get to Lechoneras right by the road. Just keep going and you will find the real Guavate, it's great not just for the food but for the many stalls of homemade goods for sell, this is where you should get your souvenirs. Just a little further down the road is a great mountain pool with a waterfall. It's an easy hike on a well maintained trail and the water is bright blue and makes for great swimming.
The site i've given you most of the links to is great, I live here and I use it all the time! They give fantastic detail and their directions are spot on. Puerto Rico Day trips has lots more suggestions you should look at them all to find the perfect things you guys love to do. Don't forget to bring and use lots of sun block, and reaply often!! And if you ever need suggestions, directions or advice feel free to ask!
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